Four years of silence...

There was 4 years of silence since I opened that blog. What I have been up to?


Panzer Conflict - this is my first project in Unity. I started to learn Unity, but after almost 2 years of development project become to big and there is was problems with code and architecture. Because when I first started doing the project I used javascript, at the end the goal changed, I started using C #, and the old architecture ceased to meet all the requirements. And most importantly - the release of Unity 5. Now we have plans to do from scratch using old assets.


Ancient Guardian - our first Steam game. Action adventure in procedurally-generated locations. You play as father, who have to find his lost daughter, avoiding meeting dangerous enemies, bypassing traps and solving puzzles.

Helped the artist with the project.

And some prototypes...


Mad day, man! Game for GamesJamKanobu2017

Keeplanet, Ludum Dare 38

Ancient Guardian second act


Ancient Guardian brand new update, a lot of changes!

Panzer Conflict rebirth

Hidden Doodle on IOS

and this is only the beginning...

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